Thursday, May 19, 2011

From Good News to Great News!

Hello cyberworld. I just submitted my very first article for Suite 101. Now I have to wait for some feedback from my editor before it can fully be posted online. Hopefully she doesn't find too many errors and rips my piece apart...but then again, isn't that what's expected from editors? Anywho, I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

On another note, I got some fantastic news today. Most of you may already know that I work freelance production in film and television. Well, I was asked to work on a very big name project, with one of my favorite huge name celebrities! It's for several days and I start at the end of the week next week. I can't
really talk much about it yet, but in due time everything will be revealed. Just know that I am psyched and can't wait to start.

Also in other news, going forward with the theme of taking control of your life, I decided to write out a new list of goals for myself for the rest of the year. I had another list, but I've actually accomplished almost everything on that list and the year isn't even half over! I'm really proud of myself. I had to make a new list so that I can continue to move forward and progress rather than waste time for the rest of the year. Yay, go me!

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