Monday, January 6, 2014

A New Year...Fresh Start

I always love celebrating the new year because of what it represents. To me, a new year is a new beginning, an opportunity to right your mistakes, get rid of your bad habits and set new goals. I get another chance from God to make my life matter. Another chance to impact someone else's life. Living to see the new year is a blessing that not everyone receives and should not be taken for granted. If you are reading this, then you've obviously made it to the new year, but what will you do differently to make this year better than last year? Have you set any new goals or challenges for yourself?

For me, I'm taking this opportunity to hit the refresh button on life and really take the bull by the horns to live a more positive lifestyle. I'm setting some new goals for myself and really working to achieve those goals. I've learned so much in 2013 and feel that it's time for me to really put my knowledge to use and take advantage of everything that I've learned. I know, I know, it's a new year and everybody makes new resolutions that they forget about in 2 months, so what is the point of trying, right? Wrong. Like the saying says "if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again." The same goes for our goals and resolutions. Just because you didn't honor your resolutions last year, doesn't mean that you shouldn't set new ones this year. In fact, that is the reason why you should. You have to keep trying to make yourself better by setting goals and working actively to achieve them.

Back Again After A Long Break

So I found this post that I drafted but never posted a few months ago...hmm I guess I must've been too excited. Anyway, I'll post it now, even though it references to summer...

Wow, has it really been that long since I've written on here? I guess I had a very busy summer. I'm not even sure if people read my rantings online since no one really comments. This blog feels more like a diary. Anyway, if anyone out there is reading this, here's a quick recap of the last few months:

I wrote, produced and directed my first non school affiliated video project. It was great. Unfortunately, I