Thursday, September 20, 2012

Saving my Health: Groupon to Fitness

In keeping with my new found inspiration, I decided to go to the gym yesterday for the first time in about 2 years! (I can't believe I let it get that long). I had purchased a LivingSocial groupon deal for 20 group fitness classes for $20. I think that's a steal considering I live in NYC and one group fitness class alone usually runs about $20 or more. I just love knowing that I saved lots of money on something. A shoe could cost $150, for example, but if I know I saved $200 from its original price, then I go out of my way to try to come up with money to buy it. Smh, I'm a hopeless sucker when it comes to shopping deals.

Anyway, I had bought my groupon about 3 weeks ago and was waiting for a "perfect" time to start using it. I was slowly becoming a statistic of people who find reasons to put off going to the gym and I didn't even realize it. I guess I was more afraid to admit to myself how much out of shape I had become, relative to my usual self.

Yesterday, I decided to put all my fears and inhibitions behind me and just take charge. I went to the gym! I took a cardio kickboxing class since I've always been interested in kickboxing. Man did that class give me a wake up call. Not only was I out of shape, but it was really bad! I used to be extremely fit and able to knock out 50 push ups and sit ups like it was nothing. Yesterday I struggled just to do 5 push ups and I couldn't even do 20 sit ups! Oh my God how did it get this bad? I am so ashamed of myself right now. No wonder why I had gained 20 pounds in the last 2 years. I have no one to blame but myself.

Needless to say, I'm glad I went because that was the wake up call I needed to get off my lazy behind and get back on track with my diet and fitness goals. I feel very sore and stiff as a board today, but that's a natural feeling after a first day at the gym. I am definitely going back to the gym to finish using my groupon, but I will also continue to go on a regular basis after I've used up my deal. I think it's important for people to do some form of physical exercise regularly. And just because we are relatively young it does not excuse us from the physical activity that our body needs. There are a lots of things going on inside our bodies that we don't know and depriving it from its required physical activity can do a lot more damage than just make us gain a few pounds.

On that note, I will be making a lot of lifestyle changes, in addition to going to the gym, to ensure that I remain healthy and fit.

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